Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Kiss!

Feeling stressed, lost and barely able to breath lately? Struggling to find time for the one you love and not forget all you have to do in the process?

One small piece of advice:

Every once in a while, not too rarely and not too often, randomly, in a random place, pin your partner somewhere at least semi-private, and make out. Five minutes of a random make out session, allowing you both to really feel for one another and not have the pressure of being any more intimate, can really give a refreshing feeling not only to your relationship, but also to your individual self. Let your self get carried away for just a few minutes in the taste, smell, and feel of that someone special. You'll walk away with a smile on your face; that is as long as your timing isn't way off.

Love and be loved; it's a way to survive life a little happier.

And don't freak out about life too much anyway - after all, no one gets out alive. ; )

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Question

Ever since I was little, just past the stage of the “terrible two’s”
Any emotion beyond joy and pleasure were not to be shared
Any feelings felt in the realm of aggravation and anger
Remained inside unless totally alone behind closed doors
In silence I could scream, curse, whale, jump, fly off the handle
It was a way to stay sane, a way that kept on through the years
At first it was due to her, couldn’t stand any kind of emotional outburst
Then it became a method to keep things cool and calm
If nobody knows then what reason do they have to care
Now it is a habit set in motion, for nearly no one to see
There is a price to actually getting to know me
These things begin to be seen, heard, and felt

At this moment, I do not feel as though I should just give up
Although, I feel that is what I should be feeling
After all, in past times it was a normal wondering of mine
I view this as an improvement, even if not visible
I am finally letting it seep in what I hear from others when peace is in line
That I deserve more than I ever give myself credit for
So my question is not to be or not to be
And it is not to care or not to care
What truly remains is a question for you
The only one that sees me deep down inside
Do you want me to care or not to care
Do you want to continue in this path or out of it
Do you want to remain the one that helps inspire me
To become what I feel could be a much better version of myself
Or do you want to leave it alone, cut it off and let go
Before any fears or risks inside our minds are ever realized

Don't Do It

So, it turns out
I'm actually high strung
Deep down inside
Despite my outter self
Here's your warning now
Don't ever get that close

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


If it is supposed to happen
It will happen
I have faith in that
I might want it
I might worry over it on some level
But I am certain of my belief
Life happens, no matter what
Therefore I will not compromise now
For a future that might not exist

It Is Coming ( in need of edit)

Let's get away from me
Focus on something new
There will be a new beginning in here
The orgion of which is unknown
But still, it is coming
It is needed, and it is coming
A look into something else
Expanding on what is seen
Going beyond the surface
And finding a new concept for meaning
Let it come and be discovered
I will force it out with careful nudging
It is needed, and it is coming

Monday, February 07, 2011

Just One More Disruption

I'm depressed, alright?
I finally admitted it to myself
No matter how afraid I am to admit it to you
Good thing you don't get on here anymore
This would be a bad way for you to discover
That my mind has finaly traveled away
To those places that harbor pain and angery
To show me what is truly going on
I feel constantly, like your biggest distraction
Like the biggest pain on Earth for you
I don't even deserve to be here
But if that is the case, do I deserve to be at home
I can't even spell check what I am typing
Due to my own damn inability to function
Leave it to me, liking to write but unable to spell
You see, if I were to find these feelings
Sitting alone in a room with you
It would only lead to a total break down
Another way to disrupt your life

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

You are Human and It's Beautiful

How can someone not love you if they actually know you
You are complex and you are deep
You are stubborn and you are down to earth
You are sincere and you are private
You are brilliant and you are wise
You are sensitive and you are relatable
You are dependable and you are loyal
You are loved and you are intimidating
You are impressive and you are gorgeous
You are hard headed and you are a piece of art
You are motivated and you are passionate
You are caring and you are extremely forgiving
You are going places and you are going to make it somewhere
You are tolerant and you are someone others should learn from
You are human and you are you
Someone people need time to see
How can someone not love you if they actually know you

I am Human and It Sucks

How can someone love me if they don’t even know me
How can someone love me if they actually know me
I am simple and I am undercover complicated
I am stubborn and I am down to earth
I am thick and I am dense
I am quick to grasp and I am hard to read
I am over emotional and I am tough in nature
I am hidden and I am constantly on display
I am in love and I am often disliked
I am friendly and I am angry
I am quick tempered and I am crazy
I am unmotivated and I am not passionate
I am lazy and I am lost
I am going nowhere and I insist on being somewhere
I am in battle with myself and I am never going to win
I am human and I am me
Someone almost no one ever sees
How can someone love me if they don’t even know me
How can someone love me if they actually know me

What I Hear, What I see, Why am I me?

If I lose you tonight, I shall not be surprised
Maybe some what confused, but not at all surprised
I know I screw most everything up
The voices in my head completely agree
The past memories of words heard, from everyone
I have heard from those that I love the most
In moments that they claim to forget
That I am crazy and psychotic
That I am lazy and steal from friends
That I am a liar and won't amount to anything
From multiple people, multiple times
Granted I've also heard things of another sort
That I do not think enough of my self as a person
That I feel my problems are not even worth
Being the problems that maybe they are
For all I know I am completely insane
At least I feel I have a major tendency
To drive myself to that point, seriously
I manage to get on my own damn nerves
More than anyone ever says I get on theirs
It's like I've head-
"High strung people tend to drive low strung people nuts."