Friday, August 11, 2017


Do we not have the same views on communication in relationships?
I thought we did, pretty sure we have discussed it
So maybe it is our differing opinions on this one matter
Causing this slide away from agreeance on communication
To you it seems you don't give a flying fuck
And do not understand why I would give a flying fuck if I consent
What I don't comprehend is your ability to be so blase'
When you know how I feel, wouldn't it be wise to care if I acted
It's things like this that send me spiraling in doubt
Do you really care, love, feel for me that way
I understand your compassion does not equal empathy
And you don't know how to put on another's shoes
Unless it's fully bedded in literal form
But one would imagine that such a radical side step
Would warrant a pique in interest to at least some degree
I want to reach out, wish to understand
But I do not want to talk, to think
I'd almost rather stay tucked away in my little bubble
Of 'possibly'

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