Tuesday, February 02, 2010


So, am I not allowed to use anything other than my goggle for this account? If you need me to use google then please let me change my email, really, I don't mind... you simply need to make it so that I am able to. I am tired of signing into here and then having to sign back into igoogle, so please.

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Right now I am wondering if it would be good for me to make sure I post at least once a day when I am near a computer. It was just last month sometime when my boyfriend decided to ask me if I thought journal-ing would help me not be so... well, me sometimes.

Of course near that time I also told him that I used to write. A lot. But for the past, I don't know... 6 months or more, I just haven't really. I think I've written maybe three small poems this entire period. Do others get to see them? No. I remember what it is like to write like I do and show others. Usually they feel that maybe I need to talk. But no, if I have written it all down, and the work seems conclusive, then obviously at that point in time I don't need to talk. {It is after all a form of expression.}

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I am about to use this as my "website" when other places ask for one. So feel free to keep reading if you have gotten this far... I may post a bunch of b.s., a ranting, or small works. But if you can't handle it, then please exit out of this page right now. ... Mind you, I am not discouraging from comments, I welcome them. Just bare in mind that sometimes a poem is simply a poem.

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