Thursday, February 04, 2010


So, I took an assessment last night for class. The class is a Leadership class; it's really cool too. The following are my top five strengths, found by StrengthFinder.

That last one, the Relator, really puts some things in perspective for me. Right off the bat I can see that it isn't just a strength, it can also be a weakness. If you are trying too hard to relate to the wrong people; trying to include them and make sure they get to participate, it could all come back and bite you in the ass.

I've been there and I've done that. But now, I do what I can to make sure that those I am friends with, are actually friends with me. Going down that road is no fun at all. Last semester I constantly did everything in my power to get all of my friends together at least two or three times a month. I would struggle to find a time when most everyone could get together, find a place we could all afford to eat or hang out, and was sure to remind them multiple times of when we were doing things. At times things would end with everyone else enjoying the fun I planned and leaving me behind for whatever reason. And today, I am still friends with less than a handful of those people.

If you are reading this, and you realize that you might just be a relator as well, remember that it is a strength; it helps you to be closer to your friends and family; it might even help you in your current/future job or career. Learn to cherish those that want to be close to you, and remember that some people are only acting like your friend because you care about them. ... Do yourself a favor, and remember 'you' first.

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