Thursday, May 02, 2013

Dandelion Itch

I can see an approaching future
Dreaming at the tips of my toes
Small little buds resting on stems
Waiting to bloom
To grow and feed from the sun
To wilt with time and patience
Moving on, producing new life
Making sport of play
For a simple breath

I wish for this outcome
Drawn out over a lifespan
A prayer that rumbles real low
An itch under my skin
Sinking deep beneath my pores
"Let it BE!" my bones scream
From my heart, I dream too
To see those blooms realized
Rather than trampled by elongation

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


Move your butt, I say
Com'on now
Move it, for you can not stay

Unfold your feet
Pull yourself forward
And simply go

Turn off the TV and lights
Call for the pups
And be on your way

Close the door
Ditch the bra
Set the usual 2-5 alarms

Get over the thoughts
Feelings and motions
Just put them all away

Put a pillow to your ear
Squirm your feet under cover
And settle in

Close your eyes
Think of only blank space
And drift away

Move your butt, I say
For you can not stay