Monday, October 25, 2010


Mother Fucking

You are bathed in your own lies
Swimming in a tub of snake tongues
Scorpion spines and rattle bites
You are only exposed in the places needed for torture
The rest is smothered in a thick skin
Of false morals and harsh criticism
Eyes that are used to spy past purity and beauty
Noses for looking down and snuffing out
Ears to overhear for self-interpretation
Mouths of a shape similar to that of Devil's Snare

With words dripping full of underlying dissonance
A sound sailing passed clones of given praise
Swerving to smack the cheeks of "heathens"
And those you are hell-bent on "saving"
Despite the bullying damage of which you inflict
Pushing them away, yet each of you claim
You only want what is best for them and theirs
Almost as if to say, let us forget-
It is only Dear Daddy God's place in which to judge

Bible-thump upside the heads of those bobbling on the line
Of where they are and where they might be
Yes knock them down as they try their hardest
Because that is so what they need
Claim the name of Christ in your favor
Without ever thinking to ask
The easiest and most commonly life saving questions
"How are you?"
"Do you need to talk?"
"Where is it that you feel lost?"

Or sincerely and genuinely
Openly and honestly
Doing the timeless truly Christian thing
Being there no matter the difference in beliefs
Reminding the wavering and the non-believers
Of love and forgiveness
Kindness and trust
The basics of morals that several have forgotten
And way too many humans fallaciously declare

It is as if you purposely overlook and deny
The facts of what your actions and at times, lack of, cause
It has been said that to be a bystander, a witness
Idly standing by and doing not a thing
As others torment and antagonize those that are different
Is a much worse, more common, and harmful crime
Than to be the one causing all the pain
Tearing down goals and dreams of bright and intelligent
Hopeful prospects of which might help develop a better world

So there you lie
Swimming in a sea of brim stone
Floods and burning bush
You are only floating on the feelings of a higher status
Watching the rest sink in a play of your own delusion
Of false principles and harsh condemnation
Friends that are used to spy past transparency and magnificence
Religion for putting down and abandonment
Ideals built on shallow self-interpretation
Minds of a silhouette similar to that of classic cults

Mother Fucking

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