Thursday, October 28, 2010

Let's Think Back

I want to walk out of the other side of this life
Comfortably holding palm to home, warm
Gently cradling pale skin, entangled fingers
Free to play with graying hair, move to
Slide it behind lightly freckled ears
Able to openly graze soft and red, patient
Moist, wet, glorious lips, sweetly against mine
Into your angelic eyes I will look, with a flicker
Flashing memory of all our life, love, time
Can you imagine that moment, of realization?
It might come over breakfast, while we watch grandkids
Or maybe at 5:13am when we randomly awake peacefully
And we find that: we have made it
Thinking back to this thought from a time long passed
Of walking out the other side of this life
Comfortably holding palm to home, warm
Gently cradling pale skin, entangled fingers

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