Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Amygdala Hijack"

Today, in class, we watched a video lecture about Emotional Intelligence. After watching it all and filling out the accompanying worksheet, I have come to realize that it is quite possible that my often very immature acting boyfriend is more emotionally intelligent than I am. I am the one usually wishing to discuss our issues and reach a higher place in our relationship; often this leads to a "Amygdala Hijack" on my part. Mean while it is usually his instinct to wait for a calmer more appropriate time to talk; he'd rather fix things and make me feel better, than fight all night long.

It is honestly my new theory that we should work together on my ability to STOP and calm down, and his ability to listen instead of defend. Now all I need is to discuss this with him, that is assuming I can get him to think on it enough to receive input from him. Generally it takes a lot of frustration for him to completely focus and not simply switch to thinking about any old thing that pops into that head of his. Of course, if I can manage to keep a cool, calm, and rational state of mind, it might help too.

I guess now all I need is to find the appropriate time to bring it up.
Wish me luck.

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