Thursday, August 10, 2017


I had thoughts and fantasies 
I had dreams of what could be 
Only daydreams, little wonderings
But, I assure you
I was getting there 
Musing of the possibilities
All it took were a few simple words 
Words, just words 
In another order mean something completely different
But those words
In that order, from your mouth
Were enough. 
Enough to shatter the bubble of maybe inside of me
Your reality of possibility popped up in front of me 
It lightly poked, it barely prodded
At my bubble 
By bubble of 'possibly' 
Causing it to burst 
Flooding my emotional senses 
The weight of which threatens to drowned me
I could feel my own tears
Slowly sliding down the back of my throat
As I paused, I waited-
For you this is simple
So simple you can't begin to understand
Are you asleep?
I think you're asleep.
I can roll away, trying not to choke
Take a few beats
Lick on my inner wounds
I told you I would deal
Would manage
My own emotional consequences
Good- you're asleep
You don't have to get wet
Witnessing the out pouring of what just was 

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