Sunday, August 22, 2010


Do you have a hammer I can borrow;
One with which to beat things into my head?
Be Open
Let Loose

I try to make the motions of hammering,
But without the tool, each nail falls.
I can pick it up again and again,
No matter, I lose the nail another time.
Every time I hear that sounding ding,
Of another collision, nail to ground,
I look up and see it written clearer than before;
I failed my overall goal a little more.
If I don't find a hammer soon,
There will be nothing left to hammer for.

What if I do have a hammer in my hand,
But still manage to drop every nail?
Is it because my head is too hard,
Therefore there is no point in trying?
Is it because I'm not meant to grow
In the the way I want, despite determination?
What if I am simply nowhere near good enough,
And constantly manage to miss the aim?
Maybe the weight of it all causes too much slide,
Countering the few times my determination and will,
Actually manage to strike in the right spot.
Which of course would be like taking one step forward
Only to take 50 back.

I can only hope that I am getting a little better
At beating things into my head.
And then as I grow in skill,
I manage to come closer to each small goal;
Possibly leading to a better outlook for the larger picture.

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