Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ok, let's get this out of the way; if what I write is not truly how I feel, I say so. Note that I haven't said so.

To study your body is to begin a gentle slide
Into restful, peace-bringing reflection
The ability to stroke your soft, pale skin
Caress every line and curve of your torso
Feel of each muscle lining the edge of your body
Memorize the outline of every feature you own
Takes the state of meditation deep into my core
Bringing my mind and heart together as one
Elated, slow to move, barely able to breathe
My body nearly hibernates in a time warp
The cause of which, every single millisecond
Becomes equal to that, the span of an hour
At moments, an hour is nowhere near
Long enough to describe to slow pace of which
God brings me in moments like these
So that I might truly come to appreciate
The whole, inside and out, of this gift
One of which I am among the luckiest
To have had this bestowed upon my heart
It is with the sincerest of joy I pray
Giving thanks to the wealth of which
Now curls around me; Love
Love is what I have to offer in return
With all the thanks my soul can muster
Love for her is what I try so hard to show
She has possession of all I hold inside myself
One can only hope she knows

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