Monday, January 31, 2011

Water as Cold as Grief

Grief is like an ocean, bigger and deeper than all of us
Mean, cruel, as beautiful and dangerous as the devil
Its waves of pain come crashing in on every moment of weakness
Unexpectedly they creep into a roaring rumble inside the heart
No matter how used to the cold sting of the icy water
Someone may believe they have managed to become
No poor soul is ever prepared enough to remain standing
Through each magnificent blow of frothy heartache
They are to be knocked back and soaked through to the bone
Left to choke in a bottomless, freezing, chattering, all over chill
Seeking for a coat of warmth that only comes in seconds of denial
For even when one feels they have escaped the trident of sorrow
Sporadically the ice cold water wonders near, to be felt yet again
Ripping through placid eyes, the sound of another leaky faucet
Calling out for the right type of tool to fix the burning crack
To help heart and soul move on, dry and safe, back to land

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