Wednesday, February 02, 2011

What I Hear, What I see, Why am I me?

If I lose you tonight, I shall not be surprised
Maybe some what confused, but not at all surprised
I know I screw most everything up
The voices in my head completely agree
The past memories of words heard, from everyone
I have heard from those that I love the most
In moments that they claim to forget
That I am crazy and psychotic
That I am lazy and steal from friends
That I am a liar and won't amount to anything
From multiple people, multiple times
Granted I've also heard things of another sort
That I do not think enough of my self as a person
That I feel my problems are not even worth
Being the problems that maybe they are
For all I know I am completely insane
At least I feel I have a major tendency
To drive myself to that point, seriously
I manage to get on my own damn nerves
More than anyone ever says I get on theirs
It's like I've head-
"High strung people tend to drive low strung people nuts."

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