Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Kiss!

Feeling stressed, lost and barely able to breath lately? Struggling to find time for the one you love and not forget all you have to do in the process?

One small piece of advice:

Every once in a while, not too rarely and not too often, randomly, in a random place, pin your partner somewhere at least semi-private, and make out. Five minutes of a random make out session, allowing you both to really feel for one another and not have the pressure of being any more intimate, can really give a refreshing feeling not only to your relationship, but also to your individual self. Let your self get carried away for just a few minutes in the taste, smell, and feel of that someone special. You'll walk away with a smile on your face; that is as long as your timing isn't way off.

Love and be loved; it's a way to survive life a little happier.

And don't freak out about life too much anyway - after all, no one gets out alive. ; )

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